If anyone had any doubt about the extreme push to move the National Ocean Policy, here is info from a leading extremist enviro group. If you have problems with the Ocean Policy, and you should have plenty, you need to get involved now! The National Ocean Policy will end fishing and boating as we know it. It will end offshore drilling and mining of our offshore natural resources, think the Iranians have control over your oil prices, wait till the wacko enviros take over and end every activity offshore and up the rivers.
"The Obama Administration is moving forward with its National Ocean Policy (NOP), and we need your help to make sure it is implemented effectively.
The NOP was created to “ensure the protection, maintenance, and restoration of the health of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes ecosystems and resources.” Through four key themes—ecosystem-based management; best available science and data; efficiency and collaboration; and strong regional efforts—the policy outlines action that must be taken to protect marine ecosystems and to encourage sustainable ocean uses.
The National Ocean Council has released a blueprint for implementation of the NOP. While it’s a good start, more can be done to ensure that the plan is as strong as possible, starting with more interagency cooperation and greater emphasis on activities taking place on the water.
The National Ocean Council seeks comments from citizens like you. Please send them your comments and ask the council to ensure a robust, conservation-oriented National Ocean Policy. The future of America’s oceans is at stake.
Chris Mann
Director, Campaign for Healthy Oceans"
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