Government Links

I put this page together because I am getting a lot of response to my pleas for help on conservation issues.  The following links will help you get in touch with your legislators and various agencies that you need to write so that we can begin to affect changes that are needed in our fisheries management.  I have found over the last few months that e-mail is generally not the best way to get your views across to your legislators. Apparently they get inundated with e-mail every day and the ones that have responded to me seem to say that e-mail does not get the attention of a postcard or letter, so my suggestion is to write a letter with your views on the subject you are writing about.  If you would like to see a sample letter, click here.


The Whitehouse
Washington, DC 20500
tel 1-202-456-1414 fax 1-202-456-2461

For a list of the cabinet members, click here:

United States Senate
United States Congress
Other Departments of the U.S. Government:
    NMFS Southeast Regional Office (SERO)

    Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council
    National Marine Fisheries Service
    NOAA (parent of NMFS)
    United States Coast Guard
     Environmental Protection Agency
    Government Printing Office
    Library of Congress
    South Atlantic Fisheries Management Council
    Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission
    Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission

State of Florida:
    Florida State Government Link
    Florida Bureau of Seafood and Aquaculture
    Fish and wildlife Conservation Commission